Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Time of New Opportunities

2009 is a year for new opportunities. One of my blessed opportunities is to be sharing my writings monthly on an awesome Christian women's e-zine, "Positively Feminine." I began writing in October. I hope you will visit and read some of my stories and poems. Go to www.positivelyfeminine.org

My stories are under the sidebar listings Maternally Feminine, Positively Feminine and Frugally Feminine. It is an awesome site to visit! I hope that you will enjoy not only my pieces but explore all the wisdom that is available. Many blessed opportunities to all of you this year!

Blessings multiplied!

My Stories and poems to look for:
"The Answer I Could Not Give"
"The Last Gift"
"Prayer of the Extravagant Spender"
"The Flu...A Positive Approach"

(more to come!)